Day 6, January 6, 2021
Scriptures: Genesis 11-13, Ephesians 6 As I write this, I’m looking out at my children who are enjoying the snowfall we had on Saturday. They are currently building a snow fort. As a father, I couldn’t be prouder. But I know that what they are building, will soon melt away. The people at Babel are building a tower to reach the heavens. They are building to make a name for themselves. An interesting correlation takes place in Ephesians. Paul calls the people of God to work for the Lord. In everything they do, they do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, serving him wholeheartedly. When we set out to do our work for the Lord, we can very easily make it about our name and our fame. Scripture is clear, we are created for the glory of God, not the glory of our own. How easy it is, to set out and do something, and get the goal mixed up. Here comes then, the most important of scriptures for the rest of Genesis, and guides the rest of the story of Scripture. Genesis 12 and the Promise of God to Abraham. Everything is going to hinge on this Promise, this covenant with Abraham. Much is going to thwart the accomplishment of this Promise. God promises the 4 P’s to Abram. People, Place, Purpose and Privilege. Abram’s offspring will be a great nation (People), they will be a blessing to the nations (Purpose), God will be their God and they will be His (People/Privilege) and give them a land all of their own (Place). This Promise will undergo great pressure. Abram gets to Egypt, threatens the Promise by telling Sarai to lie about being married to him. “Tell them you’re my sister.” Good idea! Not! Lot gets in the way of the Promise. We get a little foreshadowing of Sodom and the wicked people who make up the city. More will come on this in our story, soon enough. The Promise is made, and its already under threat because of human frailty and sin. But God will work to accomplish His purposes. Our refreshing return to the New Testament, keeps us grounded in what is good about our life and the New Creation. We know that God will accomplish His purposes, despite the failures of Abram/Abraham. In the closing of Ephesians, we are encouraged to take up the full armor of God. To stand up against the schemes of the devil, stand for what is righteous and good. We are armed with the Word of God, prayer, truth and the righteousness of Jesus. The nations are formed in Genesis. And we find that we are called to go to the nations. To stand in the midst of them, and not make a name for ourselves, but to make much of the name of Jesus. We do this, by the power of Christ, and the full Armor of God. The shield of faith is ours! Family, Let us put on the full Armor of God! Jordan
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AuthorJordan Ickes, Minister of Etna Green Church of Christ. Archives
December 2022